I am a full stack

junior web developer

Let's build some cool stuff!
“ Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. ” — Michael Jordan
“ Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. ” — Henry Ford

Contact Information

Omar's face

Omar Ahmed

Email: oahmed103140@gMail.com

Phone #: 732-912-4124

Sample from Some of my Projects

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This fullstack blog website that enables someone to sign up for an account and create posts about their favorite video games and red other people blogs. It also gives user the ability to delete their blogs and sign out as well.

Dev Quiz

This group project which I lead with three other team members is a quiz application. Dev quiz's aim to pose multiple choice questions that help users practice both basic and advanced fundamental knowledge of four languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ruby. This application is suited for web and mobile. Team members which helped with this project are Cat Perry, Minhal Gardezi, and Kevin Hesse.

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